Hydrangeas in Bloom

I have several styles depending on the media and mood.  I can be extremely realistic when painting my houses and other architecture, less realistic when painting pet portraits, but when I do my watercolor flowers, my painting tends to be very loose and flowing. I painted the hydrangeas on a beautiful summer day and the hydrangea bushes were in full bloom. It was the first summer they had bloomed and they were several different colors depending on what part of the yard they were in. I picked a huge bunch and put them loosely on the table and brought my watercolors out on the patio, wet down my paper and just started to put colors down. I think this is one of my favorite paintings as the colors always bring back the memories of that summer and all the flowers blooming.

I took my watercolor image, photographed it and played with the colors and shadows for several months during that winter, bringing back those warm summer days and the painting is a 30 x 40 canvas painting that came out even more beautiful than the original watercolor.

In the next few blogs I will be following the progress of some of my present projects.20x24alliecomehither One will not only be a change for me, but a new direction. I have a request for a painting of a favorite wine painting from a friend. And the second painting is a portrait collage of friends and their new grandbabies. I am really excited in my new direction and to be painting a portrait of a family. I have always enjoyed doing portraits and my favorite is my granddaughter when she was younger. Safe journeys, I’ll see you next week.

About The Author

Dr. Susie

I reside in Northeast Ohio after traveling from coast to coast and living in both rural and metropolitan areas from Los Angeles to New York and of course the Midwest. I am an author and third generation artist and have been painting since the early 1960s. I have always cared deeply about animals, both domestic and wild, and the preservation of endangered species, has always been a concern as well. Most recently, I was involved in animal rescue work, finding homes for over 11,000 dogs and cats over the previous 12 years. It's only natural then, that I am drawn to animals and nature for my art subjects. I have also explored the metaphysical including creative imagination, Reiki, crystal healing, tai chi, feng shui and yoga and feel they add depth to my art as well. By creating an emotional connection for the viewer I hope my artwork will create concern and compassion for our natural world and its wild inhabitants, and help stimulate conservation efforts. My love of historic buildings and their conservation led me to doing the house portraits and my architectural works

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