Flowers, Ducks and Grandbabies Painting
The last two weeks I spent a lot of time outside planting flowers in pots and vegetables in pots and in the ground. I am trying hanging tomatoes which, at least, look great with the flowers and herbs in the top part of the pot.
Mama Duck wasn’t happy with me trying to peek at the eggs, but I got a good picture. This is going to be an interesting spring as I have a robin nest in a tree opposite the steps on my deck. She is dive bombing my dogs when they want to go out!
Grandbabies Painting
I have finished the painting and love how it turned out. I used Painter and a Wacom tablet and used a mixed media combination of brushes.
Let me know what you think of my paintings. Take time to enjoy the beauty around you. You can always find one thing of beauty in each day if you look. Let your creativity flow. Let me know what you think about the paintings and what you like to see. Safe journeys, I’ll see you in the coming weeks. The wine bottle painting is next and then I will be doing a portrait of a golden doodle.